
QUILTsocial Issue 23

SKU: 226257

In this issue, we invite you to play with half-square triangles (HSTs), pleats and tucks, and circular quilt designs! Learn all there is to know about making HSTs the fast way, the efficient way, and how to make many at once! Practice these awesome tips on the adorable baby quilt on the cover for the precious kids in your life! Let us show you how to work with the very handy OLFA circle cutter for perfect circles every time! The quilt design possibilities are endless, but here too we have a wall quilt you can make using the OLFA circle cutter. And to add to your sewing skills arsenal we have an excellent tutorial on how to make a cushion cover with pleats! Pleats and tucks in the fabric have been around for several centuries, and most recently, not so much in clothes as much as in home decor. You'll find them on blankets and shams, and small cushions too. The fabric used is more neutral and plain letting the pleats and tucks do all the talking. Here's your chance to learn how easy it is to make your one-of-a-kind cushion while sewing with the Brother BQ3100.