
QUILTsocial Issue 26

SKU: 232517

This issue of QUILTsocial magazine offers exciting opportunities for quilters to experiment with unique fabric dyes and learn more about new sewing machines on the market. Two exciting fabric dyeing features by Jean Boyd invite you to create your quilting fabric using Rit Dye Kits, offering a chance to customize your quilt in a one-of-a-kind way. The simplicity of Jean Boyd's approach to working with Rit Indigo Shibori Tie Dye Kit and Rit All Purpose Dyes is praised, providing quilters with easy-to-follow instructions for creating stunning fabric gradations and color patterns. Meanwhile, Elaine Theriault's review of the Husqvarna Viking Tribute 150C sewing machine celebrates its features and benefits, perfect for all quilting and sewing needs. This issue of QUILTsocial is a must-read for all quilters looking to try something new and exciting!